Landon is going to be a big brother! This is certainly not news to most. My extremely anxious husband (and me too) posted the news on Facebook the day after our 8-week sono. Well, now I'm at the 12-week mark and can officially post the news to our last source of mass communication. Shortly after finding out about little peanut, we saw some of our friends who are pregnant with twin boys. We explained to Landon that Miss Lori has 2 babies in her belly. Ever since then, Landon tells everyone that his mom has 2 babies in her belly. Oh boy. We're still working on correcting that one. I think he is pretty excited about being a big brother, although he probably doesn't totally grasp what's really happening. When we asked him what the baby's name is, he said "Rock." So, we've affectionately referred to the baby as Peanut or Rock.
Rock's due date is December 11th. Here's the first sono picture!