Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our 4-year Old and Our 4-month Old

Happy 4-month birthday to our sweet Caleb! He is such a happy baby with a ton of personality. He smiles constantly and, believe it or not, seems happiest when he's getting his diaper changed. He's been sleeping through the night since 10 weeks. The good Lord blessed us with 2 good sleepers! He holds his own bottle these days....a very petite bottle. His first giggle came on 3/28/11. He rolls over from his tummy to his back, although he tends to do this when we're not looking. He carries on a full babbling conversation. He does not sit still. I always talked about how active he was in my tummy and he is quite the squirmy baby to this day. Most of his hair has fallen out and there's soft baby fuzz left. It's very light in color, just like his eyebrows. It's hard to tell if he'll have blonde hair or red hair. He is a thumb-sucker! Landon was not a thumb-sucker and instead took a pacifier. The pacifier was a habit that was easy to break. I'm not so sure about this thumb-sucking. It worries me. Bo pulls his hands away when he's about to suck and I've even put little mittens on him. It's so soothing to him though, so sometimes I just let it happen. We'll worry about breaking the habit later. Caleb's 4-month check-up is tomorrow, so we'll see how much he's grown.

I've always heard that little ones love to watch their older siblings. I didn't think that would happen until later, but I was wrong. Caleb loves to watch Landon. His little eyes light up when Landon is close. And, let me tell you, Landon is one incredible big brother! He's so very sweet and loving. He wants to help with everything......except diaper changes.

Landon started a soccer league called Soccer Shots. They don't play actual games yet; they're just learning the basics of soccer and teamwork. Last Saturday's practice was mostly about listening. Getting a group of 3 and 4 year olds to listen and follow directions was quite a challenge. I think he enjoyed it and we'll be back at it again this Saturday.

Here are some recent pictures of our boys. We have an extremely fun-filled and busy weekend ahead of us, so I'll have some great shots to share next week!

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States