Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby Rock Update - 4 months!

I don't know how my baby is 4 months old already; I just don't. Where does the time go? I cannot explain to you how much I enjoy having 2 boys. They are both so wonderful and special to me. Caleb went to his 4-month check-up last week. Here are his stats....
13 lbs. 9.5 oz. - 26%
24.75" long - 45%
16.25" head circumference - 26%
He's doing great....all the things a 4-month old should do. He rolls over and has some remarkably strong little legs. He giggles some and smiles OFTEN. I know I've said this before, but he's one HAPPY baby. His smiles light up our world. We gave him rice cereal for the first time last night. After some funny faces and uncertainty, he finally grasped the concept of the spoon and ate every bit of it! We took some pictures, but I still need to download them. We also noticed that he has 2 bottom teeth coming in....already! It's early, but the doctor said it could start around this age. And who knows, it could be a while before they actually poke through all the way. Rock is enjoying his toys now and holding rattles. It's so much fun having a baby again!
Our Landon Cole is a big fan of anything, trucks, or motorcycles. Supercross came to Dallas and we knew we had to take him. That meant that Rock had his first night away from home. He spent the night with his Mimi & Gramps. They said he did amazing!

Dallas Blooms 2011

We were blessed with gorgeous weather this past weekend, which enabled us to make a trip to the Dallas Arboretum for Dallas Blooms. I'm absolutely in heaven there, and fortunately for me, I have a husband who doesn't complain about it one bit. Thanks honey! Rock was awake upon arrival. He was tired though, so we knew we needed to take a family photo quickly. He snoozed the remainder of the time. It really was beautiful and allowed us to have fun with our camera. I think we took over 200 pictures! I've managed to pick out some family shots....I know that's what people want to see. Enjoy!

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States