Monday, February 23, 2009

Our Trip to Taos

On Thursday 7 of us, which included Bo's parents and brothers, departed for Taos, NM. We rented a 12-passenger van (thank heavens!) and made the 13 hour trek to the beautiful snow-capped mountains. We skied, went tubing, saw an Indian....I mean Native, shopped on the town square, played at the park, had a snowball fight, saw the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, and best of all......everyone came back injury-free! We stayed at the Alpine Village Suites, which was located at the base of the mountain and just a 2-minute walk from the ski lifts. The weather was just perfect; really cold at night, but quite pleasant during the day. I only skied a little bit on the 1st day and then did some sight-seeing the next. Bo, Steven, and Boonie had a blast ripping down the mountain, trying out some moguls, and playing in the terrain park. Landon enjoyed the snow, but didn't care for the cold weather (of course, neither did his momma). We taught him how to have a snowball fight. And when we went into town, he really enjoyed the Native American dancing display. In fact, he did a little of his own dancing in front of a coffee shop, not realizing the customers inside were enjoying his performance. Landon and I even went tubing one night. As we were waiting in line, Bo and I kept telling him that we were about to go on the slide, in hopes that his head would be filled with calm, yet exciting, thoughts about the slides at home. Landon and I got our tubes, and we sat him down in his. He even sat on his favorite little pillow, but you only saw this tiny head and 2 over-sized mittens poking out of the tube. He remained calm until I sat in my tube and we were positioned to slide down the mountain. They tied our tubes together and let us go! Landon never cried, but had a look a shear panic on his face. When we came to a stop, I asked him if he wanted to do it again, and he said, "don't want to!!!" The trip was fantastic, but I'm thankful to be back in the great state of Texas where we should hit 80 degrees this week!

Monday, February 9, 2009

31 Birthday Candles

Well, this gal turned 31 on Thursday, and let me tell you, 31 candles are enough to warm cold hands, light up an entire room, and keep Bo's firefighting skills on hand! It was a fabulous birthday. Bo, Landon, and I went golfing Friday afternoon. We were supposed to play 9 holes, but the wind was outrageous. Landon literally couldn't walk straight. We settled for the driving range and still had a wonderful time. Bo took a golf class in college and is naturally good, as he is with most sports. I've never had any lessons, only those given by my infinitely patient husband. I get the ball where it needs to go; I just need to work on putting. Bo is now giving lessons to our son, and quite frankly, it's the most adorable thing ever! He makes contact after about 8 swings. Good heavens, Tiger didn't even get started until he was 3!
Sunday, we had a family picnic at a park in Frisco. Again, the winds were howling (as you can tell in the pictures), but other than that, it was a nice day. My brother-in-law, Daniel, asked me what it was like on the other side of 30 (smarty-pants!). Well, let's see.....I got a Woodwick candle, a book, and a crochet starter set (among other things). Although these items aren't on most 30-somethings' wish lists, they were on mine. I think I'll knit my brother-in-law a lovely lilac and pastel blue sweater just for asking me that question! And, while I'm thinking about it, I'll knit my husband a fancy little vest to wear on the motorcycle....I'll even add a special touch with my "bedazzler"! He kindly reminded me that he's now 2 years younger than me until November. He really shouldn't toss around such ugly words since a milestone birthday awaits him this year!

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States