Monday, February 9, 2009

31 Birthday Candles

Well, this gal turned 31 on Thursday, and let me tell you, 31 candles are enough to warm cold hands, light up an entire room, and keep Bo's firefighting skills on hand! It was a fabulous birthday. Bo, Landon, and I went golfing Friday afternoon. We were supposed to play 9 holes, but the wind was outrageous. Landon literally couldn't walk straight. We settled for the driving range and still had a wonderful time. Bo took a golf class in college and is naturally good, as he is with most sports. I've never had any lessons, only those given by my infinitely patient husband. I get the ball where it needs to go; I just need to work on putting. Bo is now giving lessons to our son, and quite frankly, it's the most adorable thing ever! He makes contact after about 8 swings. Good heavens, Tiger didn't even get started until he was 3!
Sunday, we had a family picnic at a park in Frisco. Again, the winds were howling (as you can tell in the pictures), but other than that, it was a nice day. My brother-in-law, Daniel, asked me what it was like on the other side of 30 (smarty-pants!). Well, let's see.....I got a Woodwick candle, a book, and a crochet starter set (among other things). Although these items aren't on most 30-somethings' wish lists, they were on mine. I think I'll knit my brother-in-law a lovely lilac and pastel blue sweater just for asking me that question! And, while I'm thinking about it, I'll knit my husband a fancy little vest to wear on the motorcycle....I'll even add a special touch with my "bedazzler"! He kindly reminded me that he's now 2 years younger than me until November. He really shouldn't toss around such ugly words since a milestone birthday awaits him this year!

1 comment:

Bo said...

OOPS! I guess my big mouth can get me into some trouble sometimes. . .but I'll say it again. . . .It was FUNNY!!!!

And for anyone wondering, yes my son sticks out his tongue when he concentrates really hard. . .he gets it from me. :)


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Celina, Texas, United States