Monday, March 2, 2009

As If He Couldn't Love the Fire Station More....

We had such a great time at Main Event Friday night! I promised Landon that I would take him again on Saturday while Daddy was at work. They have bowling for little ones. And, I don't mean an arcade version. It's real bowling for children. Landon just manages to get the ball down to the pins (we occasionally had to run down the lanes and help it out a little!). He absolutely loved that darn game. Anyway, we pass Bo's fire station on the way, so of course, we had to stop in and say hello. I had the camera with me......I know, I know......shocking, huh? We got some cute pictures at the station. They do pump tests on Saturdays, which consists of pumping the engine to make sure everything works and to get a little practice. Bo extended the ladder and pumped water and Landon screeched with excitement. When they were done, he kept saying, "I want more water! I want more water! Turn on the water!" So, just when I thought he couldn't love Daddy's job and fire station more, they had to go and spray water! We may have to visit every Saturday now.

1 comment:

Liah said...

I definitely see some frame-worthy pics here, Kara! My favorite is of him kissing his mama - that is just the cutest picture in the world! :)

The Cross Family

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Celina, Texas, United States