Thursday, June 25, 2009

A $15 Investment

We officially upgraded from the $10 plastic pool to the $15 blow-up pool. No, that's not impressive at all, but Landon sure thinks it is! He's pretty proud of his new swimming pool. My parents have the same one at their house (they gave me the idea). We will officially have a back-yard paradise once we finish the new fence, build the arbor, add 2 new flower beds, get new patio furniture, and add an outdoor sound system! Whew, now let's get to work!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Father's Day weekend was wonderful! Bo's been a DAD for 2 1/2 years and I'd say he has the job totally mastered. He's such an all-around great dad. He's fun-fun-fun, sweet, loving, compassionate, playful, helpful, and of course, knows how to lay down the law too! Landon's testing that job a little more these days.
After lounging by the pool for a few hours on Saturday, we took my parents to dinner to celebrate my dad's day. Dad and I even shared a was my first ever! Quite tasty, I must say. My brother was in town too, so we had the whole crew. Matt ordered a Lynchburg Lemonade. I immediately looked up and thought, "Oh my goodness, what are you doing?!! You're not even 21!!" It only took a few seconds to realize my brother is 21 and perfectly legal. My, my, how did 21 years come and go? Anyway, dinner, dessert, and drinks were delightful. My dad, too, is a great dad....and a great "Danpa". He put up with a daughter whose teenager years were treacherous and emotions were a roller coaster. We made it through to the other side though, and now it's my turn to raise a child and experience the joys and challenges of parenthood. Kudos to my father for raising a daughter and still maintaining his sanity.
Sunday was our lake day. We truly love having our boat and spending time on the lake. And we're overjoyed to see that Landon has the same love for the lake and outdoors. We took Bo's parents to Cracker Barrel for dinner. I adore any time spent with Bo and his 2 brothers. The 3 of them always have us rolling with laughter. Plus, Bo's mom and dad have endless stories of their boys' childhood. Dinner with them is entertaining to say the least. Before we left Cracker Barrel, we bought Landon a package of Nik 'L Nips. Remember those? It's the wax bottle filled with fruit-flavored juice. Oh the power of nostalgia....I know I loved those things as a kid. Bo, Steven, Boonie and I all bit the top off of our bottles and sucked down the pure liquid sugar disguised with food coloring. Boonie and I looked at each other with crinkled faces and were like, "You've got to be kidding! These things are beyond disgusting!" Landon loved them though. I guess it's something you enjoy as a child, and the memories somehow convince you that this stuff is going to be great when you're 31 too. WRONG! Next time I get the hankering for some Big League Chew, candy cigarettes, or Wak-O-Wax Wax Lips, I'll just settle for the fond childhood memories.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Landon's Laugh

I've always loved Landon's laugh. He had been laughing so hard, and we just caught the tail-end of this episode. I just thought I'd post this always puts a smile on my face.

Tubing on Lake Ray Roberts

The Boat is Back!

Our boat hasn't seen any action since the summer of 2005. We hit a stump that summer and the stump won. Since it was the end of boating season, we put it up and decided that repairs could wait. Well, we certainly didn't intend to postpone repairs this long! When we were in Tennessee over Memorial Day weekend, we took Landon out on the boat and he really seemed to enjoy it. This was our motivation! Bo and his dad did all the repairs themselves. Besides my dad and my father-in-law, Bo is the best handy-man I know. I love that he can fix just about anything. He just needs a little shove every now and then! Anyway, I turned down plans and left Sunday wide open, just knowing we would be on the lake. And, we were!!! The boat ran great and we stayed afloat! Landon loved the boat and even tubed with me. Our friends, Jordan and Starla, brought their precious 5-month old, Jett. It was Jett's first time on a boat and he was such a trooper. He even managed to squeeze in a little nap! Steven brought his boat out too. Ours was the "family" boat and his was the "party" boat. Anyway, we had a blast and can't wait to do it again. A day on the lake is always a good day....unless you hit a stump.

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States