Monday, June 15, 2009

The Boat is Back!

Our boat hasn't seen any action since the summer of 2005. We hit a stump that summer and the stump won. Since it was the end of boating season, we put it up and decided that repairs could wait. Well, we certainly didn't intend to postpone repairs this long! When we were in Tennessee over Memorial Day weekend, we took Landon out on the boat and he really seemed to enjoy it. This was our motivation! Bo and his dad did all the repairs themselves. Besides my dad and my father-in-law, Bo is the best handy-man I know. I love that he can fix just about anything. He just needs a little shove every now and then! Anyway, I turned down plans and left Sunday wide open, just knowing we would be on the lake. And, we were!!! The boat ran great and we stayed afloat! Landon loved the boat and even tubed with me. Our friends, Jordan and Starla, brought their precious 5-month old, Jett. It was Jett's first time on a boat and he was such a trooper. He even managed to squeeze in a little nap! Steven brought his boat out too. Ours was the "family" boat and his was the "party" boat. Anyway, we had a blast and can't wait to do it again. A day on the lake is always a good day....unless you hit a stump.

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