Monday, August 17, 2009

Planes, Games, & H2O

Bo and I took Landon down to Bachman Lake again to watch the planes come in for landing at Love Field Airport. We did this about a year ago, and although he liked the airplanes, he was a little scared of the noise that was associated with them. This time, the planes were a total hit! When we got home, I had the urge to utilize our game room, something we don't do often enough. Landon didn't even know we had a pool table because we normally keep the ping-pong table set up. He rolled balls into the pockets while Bo and I played a few games of 301. Bo took 2 out of 3.....dang it! Then we played a game of pool, which Bo won too. And, lastly, we let Landon take some swings at ping-pong. He had Bo and I in tears from laughter! There's a video that I'll post in a bit. Saturday, while Bo was working, I took Landon to the pool. Up until this weekend, Landon has been very cautious in the water. He didn't want to walk in the kiddie-pool by himself, nor did he want you to let go of him at all in water. He would, however, jump to you from the edge of the pool. I bought him some floaties, and I don't know if it was those or something that just clicked in his head, but he's a completely different kid in the water now! He wants nothing to do with the kiddie-pool and only wants to go swimming! He says "I'll do it by myself." He floats and swims like a little cute! I just love that he enjoys the water so much. As a water-lover myself, this makes momma so super-happy! And, just like most weekends, we went to the lake on Sunday. We bought a new tube and finally tried it out. Although you can't tell in the pictures, Landon absolutely loved the tube again. He giggled every time we hit "bumps." Normally he only rides with me, but this time he rode with his Uncle Boonie too! And, as you can see, the lake will take a 2-year old to complete exhaustion!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pictures: The Professional Kind

Bo and I take so many pictures of Landon. His entire life and those all-important "firsts" have been well-documented on camera. That's why I never get professional photos done. Actually, the truth is I'm too cheap (frugal, I say). Professional photographers charge a whole lot of money to capture sweet faces on film. The truth is their cameras are far superior to my little digital one and their pictures are even better. So, this frugal shopper came across a really good coupon and I booked an appointment for my little man. Landon was SO good! I mean he was just gosh-darn perfect! It broke my heart to walk away with only a few of the poses and pictures. I wanted all of them! They even entered one of his pictures (one that I didn't even buy!) in a contest. I do think he's rather adorable. And for all those who haven't seen my baby pictures, let me just tell you.....he's a spittin' image of his momma!

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States