Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another First in the Books

Well, our son survived his first day of preschool, and so did mom! When I asked him if he liked school, he said "yeah." When I asked him if he wanted to come back, he said "yeah." He didn't show too much excitement, but he'll also tell you if he doesn't like something. His teachers said he had good day and he came home with a really cute art project. There were a few little ones who cried all day long, so I hope they have a better day Thursday. Here are a couple pictures with his sweet teachers. And, of course, there are a couple pictures of how I found him at the end of the day. I hated to wake him!

Landon and Miss Emily

Landon and Miss Vikki

He was worn out!

The only 2 boys in the class!

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