Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And the Winner is......

Landon Cole Cross!! I don't think there's many people left who have a newspaper delivered AND read it. My mom does.....always has and always will, despite the declining quality of the McKinney Courier Gazette. The beauty of reading the newspaper is finding cute little contests for cute little children. Mom had Landon color the Snowman picture and entered it into their contest. She always did things like that for me. You should see my scrapbook. Thanks to my fabulous mom, my scrapbook is full of certificates, awards, medals, and achievements for unheard of things. According to my scrapbook, I'm one of the most highly decorated kids to grow up in McKinney. Since she signed me up for the Ranger Rick magazine, I was the proud recipient of a sticker, an embroidered badge, and an authentic certificate with gold on it. She sent a picture of me to the Courier Gazette for being the MVP of the Bobby Moffet Soccer Camp. I think my grandmother still has that picture on her refrigerator. She signed me up for summer classes at the Heard Museum...a picture of me ended up in the Courier Gazette. I was entered in contests, summer reading programs, art classes, pottery classes, a baking class, a class where I learned how to make a tie-dye shirt. I was sent to Space Camp and countless soccer camps. I have pages and pages full of cutouts from the Courier Gazette from each and every time my name was printed. I have ribbons from the events I won at field days in school, ribbons from track events...even the green ribbons that tell me I really didn't do very well. I'm telling you...my mom kept everything. And now she's continuing the tradition with our Landon Cole. Landon won 2 movie tickets for his snowman picture. The little guy took the 1-4 age division. Thank you Mom. I have followed in my mom's footsteps and keep absolutely everything. This will go in his scrapbook, that which he will inherit one day. We love him immensely and are beaming with pride.

A New Camera

My parents got me a brand new camera for Christmas....a REALLY nice camera. I was flabbergasted (I love to use words like that)! It's a Cannon Rebel xsi. It's something I've wanted for quite a while, but also something I never thought I'd have. And as an early birthday present, Bo gave me a telephoto lens. I'm in heaven! Since the day I got it, I've read instructions, manuals, and online photography courses. This camera is so capable of taking really nice pictures; it's just going to be a while before its user will be as capable. I promise to continue learning and will get better.
Mom, Landon, & I went down to College Station a couple weekends ago. I took my camera and it was really the first time to use it. I set everything manually, the shutter speed and aperture, and adjusted things for light. These pictures aren't great, but it's a start. Thank you Mom, Dad, & Bo!!!

The Cookies & Milk Are All Gone!

To have Santa come to our house on Christmas Eve or wake up and open presents at 5:00AM Christmas morning? This is what you have to figure out when there's a fireman in your house who works on Christmas Day. I should be used to this, and I suppose I am, but it's never easy to see him leave Christmas morning. The 5:00AM madness was just that....madness. So, we asked Santa to stop by our house on Christmas Eve while we were away at other family gatherings. We set out the all-important homemade cookies and milk and headed out in the snow! Yes, snow in Texas on the Eve of Christmas! When we got home, we headed straight to the table where we'd left Santa's treats.....they were gone and Landon was just amazed! Once he saw that Santa had devoured his cookies and milk, Landon turned to the fireplace to find presents galore! The look on his face and twinkle in his eye was just priceless. He had asked Santa for a train table (at the suggestion of mom & dad, of course) and there it was! The only downfall to having a big ticket item sitting there is that all the other gifts just become road blocks. He knew he had to open them before playing with that train table. He got some wonderful gifts from everyone and we're still playing them every day.

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States