Monday, September 13, 2010

The 2010/2011 School Year

This year Bo was off, so he had First Day duties. I was a little saddened to not be there, but knew it was for the best. I can be a bit emotional these days. Landon is in the 3's class this year, which means a different section of the building and new teachers. Landon was an absolute champ! He walked right in with no hesitation, and simply looked back at Dad and said "bye." Ms. Carol said he had a wonderful day. They talked about the letter A, the number 1, yellow, and the shape for the day was a circle. I'm excited that they're working on letters and numbers. He recognizes all the letters and most numbers, but we're working on writing them. Bo and I are hopeful for another good year at school!

On another note, I know I need to post some profile pictures to show Rock's growth. I've been very hesitant with pictures this time around. Although my husband adamantly disagrees, pregnancy hasn't been too kind to my body. I feel HUGE! However, I will post some pictures, mostly to please my most wonderful grandmother. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, which will include glucose testing and a sonogram. So, I'll get new pictures of baby Rock and will post those, along with a belly picture or 2.

Growing into the backpack!

A reminder of momma's love goes with him to school!

He was excited to wear his new Fort Worth Stockyards shirt that Mimi and Grandpa gave him.

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