Friday, December 10, 2010

Welcome Caleb Christopher!

My dearest Caleb Christopher,
After 38 weeks of growing in my tummy, you're finally here! You were born on November 30, 2010 at 3:05pm, and weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. You were 18.5" long, which was the same length as your big brother. You were born on a gorgeous day, sunny and 68 degrees. Labor and delivery was a breeze. You arrived in 6 hours and with only 1push! Thank you for that! The second I laid eyes on you, I thought you looked just like your daddy. You have the same eyes and nose, and both of you have an adorable set of wrinkles on your forehead. Your hair is brown, the little that you have anyway. You get more hick-ups and sneeze more than any baby I've ever seen. Those sneezes are so very cute. You have such an expressive little face, and each little change of the eyes, mouth, and forehead means something different. You sleep more during the day, but your daddy and I are working on that. Actually, you sleep pretty well at night too. Daddy and I each get up 1 time to feed you, so that's not bad at all. We figured out that you sleep best when wrapped up in a super soft and warm blanket and with a lamp turned on. The nurses said you were a singer. You made so many little noises as soon as you were born and you still make them today. We think you are just a cutie-pie.
Your wonderful big brother, Landon Cole, has anxiously awaited your arrival too. He adores you and is so curious about everything you do. Landon is completely gentle with you. He holds you and helps feed you, but runs the other way when it's time to change your kid. You don't cry often, but when you do, Landon is concerned that you're hurt and needs to know what's wrong with you. He wanted to help with your first bath, but you did NOT like it at all. I laid you in your tub, and you cried the instant your bottom hit the water. Needless to say, Landon bolted and didn't reappear until bath time was done. He'll get used to this with time. I also told him that you would love baths one day and the 2 of you could play in the bathtub together. He loved that idea.
I was so worried about the amount of love that I would be able to give you. I think God blesses moms and dads with more and more love with each addition to a family. You and Landon are so precious and mean the world to us. My love for you seems to grow each and every day. I just love to hold you and watch your beautiful little face. I like to imagine what you will be like one day. Will you play soccer, baseball, or football one day? Will you be a good student? Will you talk a lot or sit back and take it all in? Will you be a red-head and will you have the temper of one? I wonder if you will be a firefighter or a teacher or a businessman. Will you be an Aggie? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know this. Your dad and I will work hard every single day to be the best parents we can be. We will surround you with infinite love. We will teach you all we know and have patience with each mistake that is made. There will be band aids with each ouchie. There will always be a shoulder and outstretched arms with each tear. There will be constant "I love you's" and hugs and kisses.
Welcome to this world, Caleb Christopher. May you feel tremendous love every moment of your life.

We love you to pieces,
Mom, Dad, and Landon Cole

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