Thursday, October 20, 2011

The State Fair of Texas

We took Landon to the State Fair of Texas this past weekend. He loved, loved, loved the Midway! He could've spent the entire day hopping from one ride to the next. Little does he know that each ride was at least 8 coupons, which was $4! He wasn't quite tall enough for several of the rides he wanted to do, but maybe he'll be ready next year. After seeing his love for the rides (and no fear), Bo and I want to take him to Six Flags.

This was Landon's favorite ride of the day.

The roller coaster was his 2nd favorite ride.

Daddy told him to put his hands up and he did!

The fun part!

The State Fair is known for its fried food selection, and the usual corny dogs and funnel cakes. This year's winner of "most creative" was Fried Bubblegum. I can't tell you how excited I was to taste this fabulous creation. I handed over my 9 coupons and the delightful vendor handed me a plate with this really cool presentation of fried pink bubblegums on a stick. They're really marshmallows dipped in batter and fried. And the small colorful morsels sprinkled on top of this greatness were baby bubblegums. Yum, right? Okay, maybe not so much. So, I sunk my teeth into this award-winning treasure, and..........good Lord, it was dreadful! There was a reason it didn't win the "best tasting" award! What a let-down and massive disappointment for me. Here is a picture of the fried bubblegum and my pure joy and excitement.

A cute dog show we saw.

And a few other shots of little moments with our little guy.

We did not get a picture with Big Tex. And I'm a little sad about that because he supposedly had a new outfit this year. We had a wonderful time with our son and I'm sure we'll be back next year.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Everyone Out of the House.....It's Gorgeous!

I don't know if Texans behaved exceptionally badly, but we were punished this summer with a record-breaking number of days over 100 degrees and a drought this state continues to see.....with no promising good rains in the forecast. So, we got a cold front that brought us a picture perfect weekend of temps in the low to mid 80's. Thank you Lord!

Calloway's Nurseries hosted a Kids' Harvest Day on Saturday. Balloons, popcorn, pumpkin decorating, seed planting, mad science demonstrations, and bounce houses. My mom joined us, which was a life-saver. She entertained Rock while I helped Landon with the pumpkin and seed planting. See, my dad and brother were attending the complete meltdown and utter disappoint of the Aggies against Arkansas. Oh how the SEC is going to eat them alive for a while.

Landon drew us a beautiful flower....

Bo's parents met us out at Frisco Commons, one of our favorite local parks.
I LOVE this swing!

Bo's parents could just sit and watch their grand babies all day.

And, finally, an update on our baby Rock. He just turned 10 months old. He's crawling and pulling up on absolutely everything he can. He's very adventurous and has incurred several bumps and bruises along the way already. He says Ma-Ma, Da-Da, and ba-ba (for sippy cup). He loves getting around in his walker. He's starting to get into Landon's toys. We have a daily lesson in sharing. His favorite toy is a balloon. He eats and sleeps well. He has 6 teeth. He's such a fun baby; we just love him to pieces and enjoy watching him grow and learn!

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States