Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Landon's Christmas program was last week and it was an absolute delight. The 2's and 3's are always placed in the front rows. Meltdowns are more likely with the little tikes, so the closer to moms and dads, the better. A few lucky 4's and 5's get acting roles....if you can call it that. I was never told that Landon would have any special role, so I assumed he would remain part of the choir. All the kids are dressed up. Mary and Joseph were searching for a place to rest for the night and were making their way to the Manger. Suddenly, I see Landon emerging from the top row and I thought, "Oh crap! What is he doing?" He had the role of a shepherd and was coming down to acquire his sheep and staff (hook, insists Landon). Oh thank goodness! He was a wonderful little shepherd and all the kids really did a nice job.
After the program, they had a birthday party for Jesus in their classrooms. There was a birthday cake, the singing of the celebratory song, and they made beaded necklaces.
We've thoroughly enjoyed his days at Wesley Christian Preschool. He's learned so much and blossomed into a great kid. He sill can't believe he attends Kindergarten next year!

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