Friday, February 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas was wonderful, as always. As Landon gets older, it gets better and better. Watching the delight in your children's eyes is magical.

Our little tree and packages

The new ornament we picked out on Rock's behalf. It's fitting because he wears Converse almost every day.

My new ornament

Landon's new ornament

An ornament from our first year of marriage. The couple looks nothing like us, but it still means the world to me.

Little things around the house I like...

See that teddy bear? We have 2 of them, one for Landon and one for Rock. Mrs. Deon Sanders (I can't think of her name right now, and I think they may be divorced now) fell in love with our kids while waiting in line at an office supply store in Frisco. She liked them so much, she bought these teddy bears for them! Rock was really the one who stole her heart....doing his thing....smiling, laughing and flirting. Bo said she was very sweet and pretty. I looked up a picture of her. She's drop-dead gorgeous and incredibly fit.....not just pretty.

A few from our quiet Christmas morning

A normal family photo at the Cross house

And, as always, a couple silly photos...

Christmas at my mom and dad's

My parents got us an iPad for Christmas. I nearly died. This has been the greatest present ever!

This is when I nearly died

Incredibly Happy!

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The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

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Celina, Texas, United States