Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Day of First

Landon is a first grader and he thinks that's pretty neat. He's no longer the "baby" of the school and walked in with a little more "cool" this year. He was ready; he's been ready. He helped me choose school supplies. He didn't want new clothes. He understood that he needed a new pair of sneakers. He didn't want a new lunchbox. He didn't want a new backback. Although, I know he secretly had his eye on an Ironman backpack. I bought him a new lunchbox since the other one he'd had since he was 2 showed its age. I bought him 2 pairs of sneakers, which weren't cheap. And, although I swore I wouldn't buy jeans in August, I did so because they were on sale and I had a spectacular coupon. Just one pair.
Landon likes his teacher and likes his classroom. She has a bunk bed with a beach chair and tent on the lower level. Pretty cool little reading nooks. He says 1st grade is different from Kindergarten. No more "centers", which gave them ample play time. No more afternoon snack. More work. I told him to get used to that.
On a related note, Rock was not so happy to send Landon back to school. He asked Daddy several times where bubba was on Monday. Bo and Rock went to the gym Monday morning and Rock cried and cried for much so that they had to call Bo back down there to pick him up. We joined this new gym in June and this was Rock's 1st time there without his older sidekick. It was a sad day for our little Rock. I'd say he's getting better each day, but he's still not quite himself.

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