Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

Several months ago, Bo suggested to Landon that he should watch the movie "Thor." He thought Landon would enjoy it, and boy did he ever! Rock really liked it too. Then they watched "Avengers" and liked that one even more. Thus began their love of superheros. Thor was Landon's favorite until he realized that Ironman was much cooler and could blow up stuff. Rock really likes Ironman too, but chose to represent Captain America for Halloween.

We trick-or-treated around the square. We trick-or-treated through a neighborhood with friends. We trick-or-treated at another friend's house who promised us a good scare at his haunted house. Then we trick-or-treated on the street of our new home. We trick-or-treated for 5 hours people! My feet hurt, Rock said his bucket was too heavy and both children were walking zombies by the end of the night. Those kids had a blast though and they have tons of candy to show for it. My friend Misty and I even got some "adult candy" at one of the stops on our street. I got small bottles of tequilla and vodka. I told the man that I don't drink; he told me to take it anyway. I'm sure my brother will find a good use for the liquor.

Anyway, here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

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