Friday, January 10, 2014

Three and Seven

Our boys recently had birthdays. Landon turned 7 and Rock turned 3. My, oh my! Rock's was first, so we decided to take them to a party center that has nothing but bounce houses. They played for hours and had a blast. We asked Landon what he wanted to do for his birthday, and he chose bounce houses too. Although, we convinced him to try a different party and dad needed a little change in bounce house scenery.

Landon is a first grader and really loves school. He's still a sweet, sensitive little boy. He says "I love you" to everyone. I don't know how long that will last, but I sure adore it while it does. He works hard in school and has become an excellent reader. He plays baseball and soccer and recently picked up a serious interest in football. He loves to watch the games on TV, has favorite teams and players and loves throwing the football around with anyone who is willing. He LOVES the Aggies (he's smart, I tell ya!) and the Cowboys (we cheer on our local teams no matter how much disappointment they bring us), but also likes Peyton Manning. So, we're really cheering on the Broncos these days. He's an excellent big brother too!

Rock, oh little Rock. He's a handful and keeps us on our toes, but brings us all so much laughter. He makes funny little faces and folds his arms and mopes when things don't go his way. He loves cartoons. He adores Landon and wants to mimic him all day. The kid could live off of orange juice and fruit. He likes to tackle, wrestle and play football. He's aggressive and doesn't realize how small he is, or just doesn't care. He can be really sweet, give great hugs and love on you in the gentlest way. Seconds later he can refuse to give you a hug and be just a plain little stinker.

Happy THREE and SEVEN to you, my little angels.

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The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

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Celina, Texas, United States