Monday, November 24, 2008

Ah...Christmas Has Arrived...

This year we'll be spending Thanksgiving with my family in Tennessee! It's been entirely too long since we've seen the Smokies splashed with colors of gold, orange, and red. Traditionally, we put up the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving, when everyone else is pushing and shoving to get a good deal. However, we won't be here, so Christmas came a little early this year. Landon and I put up all the decorations while Bo was working Friday. I don't really go crazy inside the house; we have a little more fun with the outside decorations. Landon really enjoyed the Christmas tree and helping Momma with all the ornaments. His eyes light up with all the colorful trimmings; I can hardly wait to see those eyes on Christmas morning!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One Year Older

Bo turned 29 on Saturday. I relish in these next 2 months as I get to tell people that I'm only 1 year older than my husband! We celebrated with some bowling and dinner at Babe's. As you can see, Bo had to wear an adorable head-piece at Babe's and do a little birthday dance on his chair. Actually, I think they just asked him to stand up. Naturally, though, he stood atop his chair (I think he would've danced on the tabletop, but there were too many dishes) and performed his own rendition of the chicken dance. I'm so jealous of the fact that Bo doesn't get embarrassed. In fact, performing his own birthday dance on top of his chair and in front of an audience came all too naturally for him. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Zoo Boo

We made a family trip to Frank Buck Zoo in Gainesville for "Zoo Boo" a couple weeks ago. The kids got to trick-or-treat through the zoo and occasionally catch a glimpse of an animal or two. Here are just a few pictures from that weekend!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Weekend

Mom and I took Landon trick-or-treating around the McKinney Square Friday afternoon. Fortunately, Landon didn't really care about the candy so we just walked around and looked at all the little ones dressed up as their favorite ghouls, goblins, or cartoon characters. Star Wars Storm Troopers had to be the most popular this year. After the square, I took Landon to Bo's fire station. He has so much fun sitting in the fire engine and ambulance, and especially enjoys running through the bay yelling so he can hear his own echo.
Saturday, Bo and I, along with my folks, went down to Aggieland to watch TAMU take on Colorado. They aren't having a good season, so we were lucky to see one of their wins! Hearing the fight song, listening to the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band, and watching the Aggies take the field gave me chills and brought back countless memories. I love that place, and always will.

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States