Monday, December 15, 2008

Ice and 2 Birthday Candles

Thanks to my fabulous in-laws, Bo and I had date night on Saturday. We went to the ICE exhibit at the Gaylord Texan Resort. They keep it a chilly 9 degrees and give everyone parkas to wear. I'm a real wimp when it comes to cold weather, but I must say those parkas did the trick. I don't think I complained once! The ice sculptures were beautiful and you really have an appreciation for those artists. I'd say the only downfall of our evening was the fact that the national cheerleading championships were being held while we were there. My, my, how cheerleaders have changed. There was a time when cheerleading was like a sport and it took athleticism to compete. Although I was a soccer girl, I still had an appreciation for some of the cheerleaders. Now, apparently, it's more like "hoochies in training." There were little 7 year-olds running around in tiny skirts, tops that covered nothing more than a sports bra, their bellies proudly displayed, and talking on their $300 iPhones! Not to mention the bright-colored glitter make-up and heavy black eyeliner that camouflaged their sweet little innocent eyes. I know this will offend some folks, but it's my blog and I can say what I want! Lord help me if Bo and I have a daughter who decides she wants to be a cheerleader!
My parents were gracious enough to let us have Landon's birthday party at their house on Sunday. It was just a small family thing; I figured we've got one more year of a simple party and then we'll have to do the Chuck E. Cheese or bounce house thing. Landon got lots of great presents. I think he was a little overwhelmed with all of the gift bags and packages and the fact that he could rip open ALL of them. He was so serious, carefully inspecting each toy, card, or book. We had a wonderful time, are so thankful for the last 2 years, and are thrilled to see what the next year brings! Loads and loads of hugs and kisses to our 2-year old son, Landon Cole.

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