Thursday, December 11, 2008

A "Smoky" Thanksgiving

This year we spent Thanksgiving with my family in Tennessee. There is almost nothing more beautiful than the Smoky Mountains in the fall. When we arrived to my grandmother's house, we were quickly introduced to her new talent. You have to know my grandmother.....she's one fabulous lady. In addition to all of her adventurous world travels and many talents, she now proudly plays the "spoons" in a band! Their band is quite the hit with the locals. She also has this bucket and string have to imagine a sort of hillbilly band. Anyway, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast at my Aunt Bettye and Uncle Johnny's house. Those Tennesseans can really cook! We also took in a trip to the Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchberg. We've done the tour many times and could probably give it ourselves, but it's always wonderful and never gets old. The trip was a short one, but I'm thankful for the time we shared with family. There's nothing in this world more precious or valuable than family.

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Celina, Texas, United States