Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Porcelain Throne

Bo and I bought a potty chair for Landon when he was about 18 months old. I just put it in our bathroom so that he could become familiar with it and begin to understand what it's there for. After several months, he decided he wanted to try it out. Once he showed signs of interest, I read this book about 3-day potty training. I knew others who had tried it and it worked for them. I was completely on board and just knew it had to work for us. How wonderful!...potty training done in a matter of 3 days! The 1st day went really well, then he woke up sick the next morning. Potty training is not something to push when your child is sick. Needless to say, I wasn't able to finish the 3-day system. However, Landon is wearing big boy underwear! We've resorted to potty training the way most people do it, but I'm considering making another attempt at the 3-day system. He does pretty well, telling us (sometimes) when he needs to go potty. When he's really busy or playing hard, he doesn't think to tell us. That would take him away from playtime! It's definitely a work in progress, but well worth every wet pair of underwear and the extra laundry. Bo even showed him the joys of "watering the plants", if you know what I mean. Instead of going to the potty, sometimes he asks me if he can do his business outside. "Sure", I say, "but only in the back yard."
I've added a few other pictures from a little park we went to a couple weeks ago. Landon likes to pick out his own clothes these days, which sometimes means wearing nothing at all or donning some interesting combinations. We've paired aqua & orange shark swim trunks with a black & green alien shirt, and in this case, it was a pair of cowboy boots with khaki shorts. I used to see girls dressed in princess outfits in Target, or boys wearing tights and a red cape in Olive Garden, and never was it Halloween. I always thought to myself, "why did his parents let him wear that in public?" Ah, now I understand. It's all about a wild sense of curiosity and wonder and finding independence.

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