Friday, May 29, 2009

A Memorial Day to Remember

Memorial Day was spent in Tennessee again this year. The entire family ventured in for my grandmother's 75th birthday 2 years ago. This year we all did the same for her sister's 75th birthday. Landon is a spectacular traveler. He entertains himself in the back seat with books, cars, his own radio, and a swig of juice every now and then. Landon even managed to tell us every time he needed to go potty! Unfortunately, sometimes that meant an emergency stop 5 minutes after we filled up at a gas station, or stopping at the scariest, and most gut wrenching gas station in the heart of Memphis. We were so proud of our big boy! Upon arrival, Landon was the center of attention. He didn't quite know what to think of all those people ooing & awing over him, but he warmed up quickly once showered with gifts from his GG, cousin Babs, and Aunt Stephanie. The weekend was filled with activities like redneck horseshoes, eating, chalk art, watermelon seed spitting, biking, eating, hiking, boating, tubing, eating, dancing, gaming, talking, eating, a performance by Grandmother's & Aunt Bettye's Hillbilly Band, volleyball, witnessing a streaker (Bo), and even a Halloween party! Aunt Bettye's favorite thing is their annual Halloween costume party, so we surprised her with one in May. It was hilarious, and even attracted the attention of a few park rangers. I'm sure they thought alcohol had to be involved, but nope! I have to talk about the food for a moment. Seriously, you haven't had great food until you've had it cooked by these folks. There's nothing like it! Breakfast is always my personal favorite, but it was rivaled by Joe's fish fry. The desserts were oh-so yummy too. We must have gained 10 lbs, terrible for me, but a perk for Bo. I know all that cooking is hard work, but it was truly a delight to eat such scrumptious food! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was really a memorable Memorial Day weekend. Landon was so sad to leave. I asked him if he was ready to go back to Texas, and he kept saying, "No, I want to stay in Tennessee." It broke my heart. I truly think I have the very best (maybe the silliest too!) family in the world. They know how to have a good time, and did I mention they know how to cook? Landon doesn't know what kind of family he's inherited, but I'm hoping all these great pictures will give him an idea. Speaking of pictures, after we combined cameras we had well over 900 pictures! So, it was an insanely difficult task picking out a few for this blog.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Busiest Weekend Ever....Really!

Saturday presented us with Bo's 10-year high school reunion (a year late, which only happens in a small town), a crawfish boil at the LaFollett's, & lots of last minute details for the upcoming surprise birthday party for Bo's mom.
The high school reunion was great. Bo graduated with a class of 53 and he has managed to stay in touch with many of them. I had no interest in going to mine, but I'd go to his again in a heartbeat! There really are some advantages to growing up in a small town, and that's exactly what we're trying to do for Landon.
The LaFollett's are some great, long-time friends of our family and they had an inaugural crawfish boil at their house this year. I'd say it was a complete success and we hope they make it an annual event. Little Kate is just precious; I hope she wasn't corrupted by our little stinker!
And now this brings us to the big surprise party that's been in the works for quite some time. Debbie turned 50, or as she likes to say, it was the 25th anniversary of her 25th birthday. While Bo, Boonie, & Steven took her out to lunch, my parents helped me set up everything. Thank goodness for my mom and dad because it would've taken me twice as long on my own. Debbie was totally surprised and thrilled to see so much of her family there together. With all the torrential rains we've had, we were certainly blessed with a sunny day! The party was a success, and I'm sure it's something she will never forget. Debbie (& Cecil, of course) raised 3 fabulous and handsome sons, one in particular, of course. I'm sure it was no easy journey, but well worth it to see how great they turned out. Now, if we could just get them hitched and helping us out with grandbabies!
And, as for my mom, I just know her journey was MUCH easier! :) I don't think I gave her 1 gray hair. My mom is a special woman. I am so thankful my son gets to spend time with her each week, where I know he's in very good hands. So, for the years you gave to me, and for the time you give to my baby, I thank you. Happy Mother's Day.

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States