Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Busiest Weekend Ever....Really!

Saturday presented us with Bo's 10-year high school reunion (a year late, which only happens in a small town), a crawfish boil at the LaFollett's, & lots of last minute details for the upcoming surprise birthday party for Bo's mom.
The high school reunion was great. Bo graduated with a class of 53 and he has managed to stay in touch with many of them. I had no interest in going to mine, but I'd go to his again in a heartbeat! There really are some advantages to growing up in a small town, and that's exactly what we're trying to do for Landon.
The LaFollett's are some great, long-time friends of our family and they had an inaugural crawfish boil at their house this year. I'd say it was a complete success and we hope they make it an annual event. Little Kate is just precious; I hope she wasn't corrupted by our little stinker!
And now this brings us to the big surprise party that's been in the works for quite some time. Debbie turned 50, or as she likes to say, it was the 25th anniversary of her 25th birthday. While Bo, Boonie, & Steven took her out to lunch, my parents helped me set up everything. Thank goodness for my mom and dad because it would've taken me twice as long on my own. Debbie was totally surprised and thrilled to see so much of her family there together. With all the torrential rains we've had, we were certainly blessed with a sunny day! The party was a success, and I'm sure it's something she will never forget. Debbie (& Cecil, of course) raised 3 fabulous and handsome sons, one in particular, of course. I'm sure it was no easy journey, but well worth it to see how great they turned out. Now, if we could just get them hitched and helping us out with grandbabies!
And, as for my mom, I just know her journey was MUCH easier! :) I don't think I gave her 1 gray hair. My mom is a special woman. I am so thankful my son gets to spend time with her each week, where I know he's in very good hands. So, for the years you gave to me, and for the time you give to my baby, I thank you. Happy Mother's Day.

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