Thursday, July 9, 2009

Landon Cole @ 2 1/2

Landon goes to bed with ease and sleeps in most of the time. On occasion we do find him at the entrance of our bedroom lying on the floor though. He has a sweet tooth, like his mom. He doesn’t like too many vegetables, like his mom. He loves most fruit, like his dad. He enjoys brushing his teeth like a big boy, but is pretty terrible at it. He says hi to anyone, unless he just woke up from a nap. He wakes up from naps in a grumpy mood about 40% of the time. He likes to get in the pool, but doesn’t want you to splash him or spray him with water. His eyes are still a beautiful grayish blue. He’s starting to get several freckles across his nose and upper cheeks. He secretly loves “the claw.” He loves to sing his ABCs. He can count to 20. He learned to pretend about 2 months ago. He still prefers to be around adults rather than kids. He’s cautious, quiet, and a little timid. He gets frustrated very easily, like his mom. When he’s corrected or knows people are watching & listening to him, he shuts down, like his mom did. He thinks “farting” is funny. He likes to wear daddy’s “smell-good.” He can name 4 country songs within the first few seconds of them playing. He has a tricycle that he loves, but can’t reach the peddles, so he uses the Fred Flintstone method. His favorite cereal is Lucky Charms. He loves our 2 dogs, Jax & Deuce, and my parents’ dog, Sadie. He yells “hush” when dogs bark. He doesn’t like for his hands to be dirty. Things have to be lined up just perfectly. If you lined up 10 cars parallel to one another and one was at a slight angle, he would find it and straighten it up. He hates spider webs and won’t touch anything that’s been in a spider web. He loves to be barefoot. “I want Momma do it” – he always wants me to do everything. He loves his big boy “Fire Truck” bed. He loves the Lake (and the Boat). He doesn’t like it when we go looking for his “spankin”. He loves to pee on mom’s plants. His favorite song is “Free As You’ll Ever Be” (Free – Zac Brown Band). He loves to “Flip”. He loves “Wightnin Queen” (Lightning McQueen). He loves watching “Handy Manny” and “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” while eating breakfast. He loves to help us mow the yard. He likes to ride on Papa’s tractors. He likes to play Danpa’s drums. His favorite saying seems to be “I don’t want to!” He doesn’t like when you “bite his ear off” or “get his nose”. He loves to watch the Trash Truck. He loves “Rowy Powies” (Rollie Pollies). He is a great traveler. He’s a little manipulative (ex. Landon don’t touch that. . .so he touches it with his head). He loves to be tickled and says “Uncle” to make you stop. Landon likes to go golfing with Daddy & his friends. Landon says please, thank you, & you’re welcome better than most adults. He always wants to wear his cowboy boots, but they’re too big for him right now. He calls me “Mom.” He yells at his toys when they don’t do as he instructs. He loves to water the flowers with the garden hose, like his mom. He runs funny, which drives mom and dad crazy. His favorite bedtime book is “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” His hugs are sweet and his kisses are the best. He is loved more than he’ll ever know.

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