Monday, July 13, 2009

It Never Gets Old

It's a must....Bo and I must retire on a lake some day. It just makes us so darn happy. There's nothing better than spending these hot Texas days on the lake with our friends and family. Steven brought his boat out, along with the Warrick's. Bryan and Misty have a 5-year old named Mekena. She's just the sweetest little girl and Landon is so fond of her. My friend, Kristi, brought her 7-year old son, Branson and I think he had a blast. Kristi and I double-tubed and were in hysterics from all the laughter and fun. Those tubes beat us up pretty good and we're a little sore today, but it was well worth it! Next time I think we'll hop on one tube together and see how long we can hang on! The water was surprisingly refreshing and there was a breeze, so the temperature of 103 didn't bother us one bit. Well, I think it bothered Bo when he was deflating the rafts, tying down the tube, taking down the canopy, and getting the boat ready to head back home. He works so hard so that all of us can have a good time! And, as you can see by the pictures, our little ones were tuckered out at the end of a fun day on the lake.

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Celina, Texas, United States