Monday, December 14, 2009

Dallas White Rock Marathon 2009

Sunday morning...low 40's...cloudy with a little fog.....great running weather! I completed my 2nd Half Marathon on Sunday! I am convinced and have always been convinced that my body is not meant to run long distances. However, I love setting goals for myself. The Half Marathon (13.1 miles) is challenging, yet attainable. It doesn't require near as much training as a full marathon, so it's something I can do without taking too much time from my roles as a wife, mother, real estate administrator, maid, get the idea. It's normally non-runners who ask me, "Don't you want to run 26.2 miles?" My response is, "Have you ever run 13.1 miles?" It's enough for me.
My super-supportive husband took time off of work to come out and cheer me on. He brought his bike and trailer for Landon. That way he could park his truck and ride to the race course to see me. They dropped me off at the starting line, then met me at the 5 mile marker and again at the 10 mile marker. As you can see from the pictures, Landon had a pretty comfortable ride! Getting to see them along the way was the best motivation I could get!

1 comment:

Liah said...

Way to go, Kara! I can't even imagine running that far; you are Superwoman! :)

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