Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Countdown Begins

We had our 28-week appointment last week. Rock is cruising along just fine and boy is he growing! He weighed 2 lbs. 11 oz. He’s still sitting comfortably in a breach position, which explains the movements I feel. His butt is sitting on my bladder and that isn’t always so pleasant. And I always feel such strong kicks and jabs over on the sides of my belly. I’m constantly amazed by how much this baby moves, and by how strong some of those movements are. He’s much different than Landon was in the womb. Rock was moving so much that he literally bumped the sonogram lady’s hand off course a few times.
They did a 4D sonogram, which Bo and I weren’t expecting. She explained that this is the perfect time for one and he was in a good position. He has his hand in front of his face in 1 of the pictures. I know it’s probably hard for you guys to tell, but Bo and I agree that this baby looks just like his daddy! Since Landon is SO much like me, we just knew this one had to be Bo’s little clone. I guess we’ll see for sure soon enough!
Anyway, all is going well. I feel great and have managed on just a couple hours of sleep each night for the last couple of months. I don’t think that’s going to change, but I’m not so worried about it anymore. I’ll certainly be ready for baby Rock’s hours when he arrives.
And, as promised, I've included a few shots of the belly at 29 weeks. Enjoy!

29 weeks down.....11 to go!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Thank you for sharing. I think you look amazing!

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