Monday, June 6, 2011

Our Graduate

Landon Cole has officially graduated from the 3's program at Wesley Christian Preschool. I personally think all these "graduations" are a little silly. We celebrate each of the preschool years, kindergarten, the end of elementary school, the end of middle school and finally the grand finale, high school. It just seems like the high school graduation loses some of its special meaning when they've already been through 7 other ceremonies over the years. Anyhoo, I attended, I clapped, I cheered, I took pictures, and this momma quietly shed a few tears. Maybe these things are more for the mommies and daddies? I'm an emotional person, especially when it comes to my children. I don't think I was quite this way before Landon came along. He can accomplish the most mundane task and I fill up with pride. Add cute little bumblebee antenna and sing a cute little bumblebee song (like they did at their graduation ceremony) and the smiles and tears just flow. I love him immensely. My cup runneth over.

This is Landon's class about to sing the cute little bumblebee song.

A hug for Miss Carol

A hug for Miss Lisa

Accepting his diploma

This is a picture of Landon and the oh-so-shy Charlie. I'm amazed she would stand there long enough for me to snap a picture. Landon adores Charlie....from day 1.

My sweet baby boy with his phenomenal teachers. I double-dog dare you to find teachers more loving, nurturing, caring and dedicated.

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Celina, Texas, United States