Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daddy Day 2011

I wanted to share some of the decent pictures I got of our boys. I selected one and had it enlarged and put on a canvas wrap for one of Bo's Father's Day gifts. Remind me not to take photos during Rock's nap time on a 98 degree sunny afternoon! Little one cried while big one stared off in space. Little one sucked on his fingers while big one dropped his sign. Little one looked at anyone but me while big one picked his nose.
That daddy of theirs is worth every bit of the effort. I was truly blessed to snatch up Bo and marry him. And I had no idea what a fantastic father he would make one day. He gives his all to our children and to our marriage. Landon and Rock will always have a wonderful example of what a husband and father should be like. I have immense and infinite love for you, Bo. Happy Daddy Day!

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Celina, Texas, United States