Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our First Family Vacation in a Long Time

We haven't had a true family vacation since Landon was born. Sure, we've done some traveling, but it's always been with family or friends. While we've loved those trips, our own little adventure was long overdue and it turned out to be one delightful journey.
We stayed at The Margaritaville Beach Hotel on Pensacola Beach. This place was fabulous and we plan to stay there again.

Those sugar-white sandy beaches were amazing! The water was cool and refreshing. Due to his slight fear of being dozed by a wave, Landon didn't enjoy the water so much. He did, however, LOVE the sand. We built sand castles, laid in the sand, buried Landon in the sand, and searched for sea shells. Bo found the best sea shells.

We visited the Pensacola Naval Base. We weren't allowed to carry Rock up the Lighthouse stairs, so Bo and I made separate trips with Landon. I learned that I've developed a slight fear of heights. Actually, I think it was the height combined with a very small space. Landon was such a champ. He climbed the 178 steps twice and had no fear whatsoever.

The Land Shark - Landon's absolute favorite part of our trip. The Land Shark was on the same property as our hotel. There was a restaurant/bar that was completely open so you could enjoy the wonderful gulf breezes. There were several hammocks, misting stations, water sprayers, sand "mountains", comfy adirondacks, a fire pit, and really good live music every night.

Here are more miscelaneous pictures from the trip. Most of these are just cute little moments with our boys in the hotel room. Have I ever said how much we LOVE these guys?!! They make life so good.

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Celina, Texas, United States