Friday, November 16, 2012

A cold front was blowing in, but our boys were determined to ride the 4-wheeler. Kids are somewhat immune to cold weather.

Landon lost his first tooth! I was so looking forward to that sweet little gap kids get when they lose their baby teeth. However, we'll have to wait until he loses his top teeth, I guess. His bottom 2 adult middle teeth were already coming in before the babies got loose. Last weekend we ate dinner with my parents and I'm pretty sure his tooth was swallowed with a bite of pizza! I noticed his tooth was missing the next morning. Since we had no tooth to leave under his pillow, he wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy. She came!

I worked from home yesterday, which had all sorts of benefits beyond the obvious not-going-into-the-office ones. Yesterday was my husband's birthday, so we were able to pop in for a little visit at the fire station. And, I was able to attend the 2nd 6 weeks Awards Assembly at Landon's school. His teacher had told me that she selected him for an award and hoped that I could make a surprise! He had no idea that Rock and I would be there, nor did he realize he would recieve an award. Landon received the Award for Integrity and Honesty, which I think is a perfect award for that boy.

And here is a super special picture of his principal planting a kiss on him! He was very can see that in his eyes! What a special little boy!

Landon's turkey that he disguised as a clown.

And, finally, here are some pictures of our trip to Daddy's fire station to bring him some birthday treats! We sure do love that man!

Bo is participating in Movember.....the growing of facial hair to raise awareness of cancers affecting men. Firefighters can't grow beards, so the mustache will have to do. His wife is NOT a fan! I like that he's supporting Movember, but anxiously anticipate the arrival of December 1st! Bye-bye scratchy mustache!

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Celina, Texas, United States