Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

Our favorite Thanksgiving tradition is the running of the Dallas Turkey Trot 5K. I ran my first Trot when I was either 15 or 16. We have missed a couple races in recent years due to pregnancies, but we were back on track this year. Landon even joined as a registered participant! The 2011 race brought 36,820 participants and I'm sure this year boasted a similar crowd. With so many runners, walkers, dogs and strollers, it's hard to actually "run" the entire race. We ran when we could and walked when the streets were just too jammed. Landon did just fine.....3 miles is a lot for a 5-year old. He asked if we were almost done at about the 1-mile marker. We can't wait until Rock is big enough to run with us (and ditch the stroller)!

We stopped at this nice little park downtown as we were walking back to our car.

When Bo came home from work on Sunday, he surprised us with tickets to Disney on Ice. Rock absolutely LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The kid will sit down and watch episode after episode. He really likes Mickey, but Goofy seems to be his favorite.

So, here we are waiting for the show to begin. This picture makes me laugh. Our kids have very different personalities. Maybe you can tell from this picture?

I love this picture of me with my little guys. Gosh, I love them so dearly.

There was a beautiful Christmas Tree close to the event center.

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The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

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Celina, Texas, United States