Monday, December 3, 2012

Embracing Our New/Old Town

Celina is going back home for Bo. It's where he grew up and graduated high school. That was his home until I plucked him out of there and lured him to McKinney. I love McKinney and, quite frankly, would prefer to live there. I would love an old house on a lot full of mature trees, close to downtown. An old house is Bo's worst nightmare though. I can't do that to him. And McKinney has grown, really grown. There's not just one high school anymore. I like the idea of my children growing up in a smaller town and eventually graduating with a much smaller class than I did. So, we've chosen Celina and hope to begin building our new home there in just a few more weeks.

Celina had their Christmas Tree lighting last week. Santa was there and so was Scrooge. Rock did NOT like Santa. Actually it was Scrooge who scared him just before we snapped a picture. They served hot chocolate. They had a horribly managed train ride. There was a petting zoo and pony rides.

A classic picture of one not-so-thrilled 5-year old and one terrified 2-year old. Oh, it makes me laugh!

The petting zoo was a hit! Rock loved all the animals.

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The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

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Celina, Texas, United States