Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

"The Christmas Song" is my all-time favorite Christmas song....preferably Nat King Cole's version. It embodies warmth, coziness, and an undeniable Christmas spirit. Yuletide carols being sung by the choir - I can remember strolling from house to house with my friends singing our favorite Christmas melodies. Homeowners happily opened their doors and smiled from ear-to-ear as the youth of their neighborhood serenaded them. Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight - I can also remember as a young girl curling up in my bed, promising myself that I wouldn't fall asleep so I would know when Santa had arrived and to see if reindeer really know how to fly. Inevitably, my eyelids couldn't hold their own against a long day of excitement and anticipation, and finally closed for a long winter's nap. There was nothing better than waking up on Christmas morning and running to the Christmas tree to see the treasures Santa had left. My tiny tot's eyes were aglow as he climbed down the stairs to find that Santa had brought him a John Deere tractor. I love Christmas, as do all kids from one to ninety-two. A local radio station started streaming Christmas music online on October 30, then started playing the Christmas tunes on the radio in late November. I've honestly been listening to Christmas music since October 30. I know it's crazy. There's just something about those songs; the old ones, not the Madonna version of Santa Baby. "The Christmas Song" was composed in 1946. Listen to it (and others from that time), really listen to it. It just seems like things were so much simpler then and people were more caring and sincere. I truly worry about our world, what it has become, and what the future holds. I brought another life into this world and will do my very best to teach him values and morals and to stand up for what's right. I want him to be happy, always. I pray that this world has enough good in it to overcome the challenges. I really do love Christmas and there's nothing better than spending an entire day with family. I have countless blessings as the year 2008 comes to a close, and anxiously await all the new treasures 2009 will bring. Although it's been said many times, many ways....a very Merry Christmas to you. And a Happy New Year, too!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ice and 2 Birthday Candles

Thanks to my fabulous in-laws, Bo and I had date night on Saturday. We went to the ICE exhibit at the Gaylord Texan Resort. They keep it a chilly 9 degrees and give everyone parkas to wear. I'm a real wimp when it comes to cold weather, but I must say those parkas did the trick. I don't think I complained once! The ice sculptures were beautiful and you really have an appreciation for those artists. I'd say the only downfall of our evening was the fact that the national cheerleading championships were being held while we were there. My, my, how cheerleaders have changed. There was a time when cheerleading was like a sport and it took athleticism to compete. Although I was a soccer girl, I still had an appreciation for some of the cheerleaders. Now, apparently, it's more like "hoochies in training." There were little 7 year-olds running around in tiny skirts, tops that covered nothing more than a sports bra, their bellies proudly displayed, and talking on their $300 iPhones! Not to mention the bright-colored glitter make-up and heavy black eyeliner that camouflaged their sweet little innocent eyes. I know this will offend some folks, but it's my blog and I can say what I want! Lord help me if Bo and I have a daughter who decides she wants to be a cheerleader!
My parents were gracious enough to let us have Landon's birthday party at their house on Sunday. It was just a small family thing; I figured we've got one more year of a simple party and then we'll have to do the Chuck E. Cheese or bounce house thing. Landon got lots of great presents. I think he was a little overwhelmed with all of the gift bags and packages and the fact that he could rip open ALL of them. He was so serious, carefully inspecting each toy, card, or book. We had a wonderful time, are so thankful for the last 2 years, and are thrilled to see what the next year brings! Loads and loads of hugs and kisses to our 2-year old son, Landon Cole.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A "Smoky" Thanksgiving

This year we spent Thanksgiving with my family in Tennessee. There is almost nothing more beautiful than the Smoky Mountains in the fall. When we arrived to my grandmother's house, we were quickly introduced to her new talent. You have to know my grandmother.....she's one fabulous lady. In addition to all of her adventurous world travels and many talents, she now proudly plays the "spoons" in a band! Their band is quite the hit with the locals. She also has this bucket and string instrument....you have to imagine a sort of hillbilly band. Anyway, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast at my Aunt Bettye and Uncle Johnny's house. Those Tennesseans can really cook! We also took in a trip to the Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchberg. We've done the tour many times and could probably give it ourselves, but it's always wonderful and never gets old. The trip was a short one, but I'm thankful for the time we shared with family. There's nothing in this world more precious or valuable than family.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


First, I'd like to announce that I am done Christmas shopping!!! All gifts are wrapped and under the tree. Whew!
We took Landon to North Park Mall on Friday to see the magnificent trains and, of course, Santa. The trains really were great. The amount of detail and coordination of all the tracks is impressive. There were tons of trains, big and small, the Dallas Skyline, a western scene, a schoolyard scene, a replica of the mall, and much more! The entry fee, which was only $5, went to Ronald McDonald charities. It was well worth the money, so if you haven't been....GO!
Now, Santa.....well, we'll have to visit Santa another time. Apparently, the Santa at North Park Mall is one of the most coveted Santa's around. He's very authentic looking, and his day job is being a professor at UT. He's also a professional story-teller. You don't wait in line for this Santa; you take a # and wait. We drew #99 and were told it would be about 4 hours! Yikes! We'll settle for the Stonebriar Mall Santa, thank you very much.
Tomorrow, my baby boy turns 2. As excited as I am for him, I'm also a little sad. It doesn't seem possible that we were in the hospital 2 years ago awaiting his arrival. He's a little boy now, full of independence and curiousity. Terrible two's - Here we come!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ah...Christmas Has Arrived...

This year we'll be spending Thanksgiving with my family in Tennessee! It's been entirely too long since we've seen the Smokies splashed with colors of gold, orange, and red. Traditionally, we put up the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving, when everyone else is pushing and shoving to get a good deal. However, we won't be here, so Christmas came a little early this year. Landon and I put up all the decorations while Bo was working Friday. I don't really go crazy inside the house; we have a little more fun with the outside decorations. Landon really enjoyed the Christmas tree and helping Momma with all the ornaments. His eyes light up with all the colorful trimmings; I can hardly wait to see those eyes on Christmas morning!

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States