Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One Year Older

Bo turned 29 on Saturday. I relish in these next 2 months as I get to tell people that I'm only 1 year older than my husband! We celebrated with some bowling and dinner at Babe's. As you can see, Bo had to wear an adorable head-piece at Babe's and do a little birthday dance on his chair. Actually, I think they just asked him to stand up. Naturally, though, he stood atop his chair (I think he would've danced on the tabletop, but there were too many dishes) and performed his own rendition of the chicken dance. I'm so jealous of the fact that Bo doesn't get embarrassed. In fact, performing his own birthday dance on top of his chair and in front of an audience came all too naturally for him. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Liah said...

Kara, your little Landon is just the cutest! So sweet... :)

I found your blog through Facebook, and I'm going to follow along, if you don't mind. In case you're ever curious, I have one too -

Have a happy thanksgiving!

Liah (Helms) Wiedenfeld

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