Monday, December 3, 2012


Our Caleb is two!

We actually celebrated both boys' birthdays this weekend. Landon's favorite place to eat is Rudy's BBQ. We don't know why. He eats a tiny bit of sausauge and a few chips, so it must not be the food. And we've gone to Main Event every year since he was two. Rock loves Main Event too.

The cake

Messy fingers

Blue tongue

Oh look, a shirt!

Mommy loved the shirt!

Rock loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Now he has Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Pluto and he sleeps with all of them.

The birthday boys and their wonderful daddy!

This picture makes me laugh. Poor little Rock. Landon was making him look at the camera.

Blowing kisses

6 years and 2 years


Landon and the always animated Uncle Boonie

Rock's version of bowling. He would run all the way down the lane and chunk the ball at the pins. It was his birthday and he did what he wanted to do!

Embracing Our New/Old Town

Celina is going back home for Bo. It's where he grew up and graduated high school. That was his home until I plucked him out of there and lured him to McKinney. I love McKinney and, quite frankly, would prefer to live there. I would love an old house on a lot full of mature trees, close to downtown. An old house is Bo's worst nightmare though. I can't do that to him. And McKinney has grown, really grown. There's not just one high school anymore. I like the idea of my children growing up in a smaller town and eventually graduating with a much smaller class than I did. So, we've chosen Celina and hope to begin building our new home there in just a few more weeks.

Celina had their Christmas Tree lighting last week. Santa was there and so was Scrooge. Rock did NOT like Santa. Actually it was Scrooge who scared him just before we snapped a picture. They served hot chocolate. They had a horribly managed train ride. There was a petting zoo and pony rides.

A classic picture of one not-so-thrilled 5-year old and one terrified 2-year old. Oh, it makes me laugh!

The petting zoo was a hit! Rock loved all the animals.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

Our favorite Thanksgiving tradition is the running of the Dallas Turkey Trot 5K. I ran my first Trot when I was either 15 or 16. We have missed a couple races in recent years due to pregnancies, but we were back on track this year. Landon even joined as a registered participant! The 2011 race brought 36,820 participants and I'm sure this year boasted a similar crowd. With so many runners, walkers, dogs and strollers, it's hard to actually "run" the entire race. We ran when we could and walked when the streets were just too jammed. Landon did just fine.....3 miles is a lot for a 5-year old. He asked if we were almost done at about the 1-mile marker. We can't wait until Rock is big enough to run with us (and ditch the stroller)!

We stopped at this nice little park downtown as we were walking back to our car.

When Bo came home from work on Sunday, he surprised us with tickets to Disney on Ice. Rock absolutely LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The kid will sit down and watch episode after episode. He really likes Mickey, but Goofy seems to be his favorite.

So, here we are waiting for the show to begin. This picture makes me laugh. Our kids have very different personalities. Maybe you can tell from this picture?

I love this picture of me with my little guys. Gosh, I love them so dearly.

There was a beautiful Christmas Tree close to the event center.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A cold front was blowing in, but our boys were determined to ride the 4-wheeler. Kids are somewhat immune to cold weather.

Landon lost his first tooth! I was so looking forward to that sweet little gap kids get when they lose their baby teeth. However, we'll have to wait until he loses his top teeth, I guess. His bottom 2 adult middle teeth were already coming in before the babies got loose. Last weekend we ate dinner with my parents and I'm pretty sure his tooth was swallowed with a bite of pizza! I noticed his tooth was missing the next morning. Since we had no tooth to leave under his pillow, he wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy. She came!

I worked from home yesterday, which had all sorts of benefits beyond the obvious not-going-into-the-office ones. Yesterday was my husband's birthday, so we were able to pop in for a little visit at the fire station. And, I was able to attend the 2nd 6 weeks Awards Assembly at Landon's school. His teacher had told me that she selected him for an award and hoped that I could make a surprise! He had no idea that Rock and I would be there, nor did he realize he would recieve an award. Landon received the Award for Integrity and Honesty, which I think is a perfect award for that boy.

And here is a super special picture of his principal planting a kiss on him! He was very can see that in his eyes! What a special little boy!

Landon's turkey that he disguised as a clown.

And, finally, here are some pictures of our trip to Daddy's fire station to bring him some birthday treats! We sure do love that man!

Bo is participating in Movember.....the growing of facial hair to raise awareness of cancers affecting men. Firefighters can't grow beards, so the mustache will have to do. His wife is NOT a fan! I like that he's supporting Movember, but anxiously anticipate the arrival of December 1st! Bye-bye scratchy mustache!

The Cross Family

The Cross Family


The Proud Parents

My photo
Celina, Texas, United States