Tuesday, December 9, 2008


First, I'd like to announce that I am done Christmas shopping!!! All gifts are wrapped and under the tree. Whew!
We took Landon to North Park Mall on Friday to see the magnificent trains and, of course, Santa. The trains really were great. The amount of detail and coordination of all the tracks is impressive. There were tons of trains, big and small, the Dallas Skyline, a western scene, a schoolyard scene, a replica of the mall, and much more! The entry fee, which was only $5, went to Ronald McDonald charities. It was well worth the money, so if you haven't been....GO!
Now, Santa.....well, we'll have to visit Santa another time. Apparently, the Santa at North Park Mall is one of the most coveted Santa's around. He's very authentic looking, and his day job is being a professor at UT. He's also a professional story-teller. You don't wait in line for this Santa; you take a # and wait. We drew #99 and were told it would be about 4 hours! Yikes! We'll settle for the Stonebriar Mall Santa, thank you very much.
Tomorrow, my baby boy turns 2. As excited as I am for him, I'm also a little sad. It doesn't seem possible that we were in the hospital 2 years ago awaiting his arrival. He's a little boy now, full of independence and curiousity. Terrible two's - Here we come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Landon is just precious!

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Celina, Texas, United States