Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This year's Halloween was quiet, just the 3 of us; Bo was working. We only trick-or-treated our street and one block over. Landon's favorite part was sitting on our front porch handing out candy to other trick-or-treaters. He's such a sweet little boy. He would comment and compliment kids' costumes and always said "you're welcome" to those who thanked him. Only our son would find more enjoyment in giving away candy rather than taking it from others. I love him to pieces.

These pictures aren't the best. I always tell Bo it's tough being a single mom one every 3 days. Landon was my sweet angel, standing perfectly still, posing when asked, and dancing on command to attract Rock's attention to the camera. I think Rock sat still for about 2.6 seconds. He's a little stinker sometimes!

Grass....one of his many distractions.

He almost never took his eyes off of us when trick-or-treating.


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Celina, Texas, United States