Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The "Nasties"

The "germy-germs" have set up shop in our home recently and seem to like it there.

While at work one day I received a text from my brother. "One of your kids vomited on me and I demand compensation." He and my mom hopped in the truck and took the kids for a treat. It was Matt's first time to get Rock out of his car seat. He was wearing a brand new pair of shoes or a new shirt, or both....I'm not sure. Baby Rock threw up on Matt, and his new shoes or shirt, or both. That was the start of the "nasties." Rock's stomach bug passed quickly, Landon's came 24 hours later, and Bo got sick while at the fire station. My immune system held strong and I skated by without the attack of the stomach bug. My poor mom and brother were soon brought down with the same crud. Families share everything, right?!!

So, after some thorough cleaning, many loads of laundry, and more frequent hand-washing, the stomach bug left our comfy abode. Next came the runny nose, coughing, and fevers. We're not sure, but Landon may just be battling allergies. Rock, on the other hand, came down with something more. I picked up my sick little fella from my parents' house and, by the time we got home, he was wheezing a bit. It scared me. Bo told me to bring him to the station so they could check him out. After listening to his lungs and checking his color, he seemed to think things were okay....or at least not as bad as I thought. Bo took him to the doctor the next morning and he had bronchiolitis. They prescribed a nebulizer and albuterol, and otherwise, were told to let it run its course.

Landon and Rock still have some sniffles and coughs, but seem to get better with each day. I hope the "nasties" have packed their bags and moved out of our house.

Here's Rock getting some breathing treatments.

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