Monday, November 28, 2011

Rock Turns One! (unofficially)

Our little fireball will officially turn 1 on Wednesday, but we celebrated this weekend. Where on earth did his first year go? The days pass with such haste. We always say this and so has everyone who is or has raised kids. Sometimes a day passes by so quickly and I think, "well that was just unfair." Unless, of course, I'm having a terrible day at work....I tend to wish away those minutes. Anyway, I digress.
Caleb's first year has been amusing, entertaining, and just an absolute joy. Everyone says he looks like Bo, and he does. He's a good sleeper, except for the 2 weeks following a time change. He's so cheery in the mornings. I love to listen to his sweet baby babble on the monitor, unless it's before 7 AM. He eats like we're not going to have food the next day. And he eats just about everything. Something else he got from his daddy. He's been drinking whole milk (or big people milk, according to Landon) for the last couple of weeks. Guess what? He likes it. He forcefully pushes his sippy cup away when he's done and ready for bed. He rolls out of our arms and reaches for his crib when he's tired and ready for sleepytown. If given the opportunity, he loves to climb up our stairs. He loves our dogs. He could swing for hours. His favorite toys are balloons, balls, and a good beatin' stick. We've lovingly nicknamed him Bam-Bam. No one makes him laugh more than his big brother. He smiles so often and he just has one of those smiles that is pure and contagious. He says ma-ma, da-da, bu-bu, bu (when he sees a balloon), and Bo swears he makes the "p" sound when he has a poopy diaper. He officially took his first steps on Thanksgiving day. Now don't get me wrong, he's not a good walker yet. He successfully takes 5 or so steps from one person to another or lets go of a stable object and walks to you. He understands what "no" means. Doesn't mean he listens. His upper half is long and his legs are short. Something else he got from his daddy. When in the right mood, he just talks and talks and talks. He didn't get that from me. Noisy baby drives big brother crazy sometimes. When he's grumpy, he's a grouch and oh-so whiny. When he's frustrated he closes his little eyes tightly for just a moment. It's funny. He doesn't stop moving and wants no part of cuddle time. He loves it when we sing and loves to watch us dance.
We love Caleb dearly. It's hard to imagine what life was like a short time ago without him. He brings us immense joy and amusement. I tell Bo all the time that he's just so fun!
His party was wonderful. Although, he wanted nothing to do with his cake, nor opening his presents. I had to wake him from his nap and I think he was a little moody because of that. Oddly enough, his smiles and giggles were few. I think he was overwhelmed by all the people too. Anyway, Happy Birthday Caleb!

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